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Recent publications


  • Menajovsky MF, Espunyes J, Ulloa G, Montero S, Lescano AG, Santoalla ML, Cabezón O, Mayor P. (2024) Survey of Hepatitis B Virus and Hepatitis E Virus at the human-wildlife interface in the Peruvian Amazon. Microorganisms (In Press)

  • Fernández-Bastit L., Cano-Terriza D., Caballero-Gómez J., Beato-Benítez A., Fernández A., García-Párraga D., Domingo M., Sierra C., Canales R., Borragan S., de la Riva-Fraga M., Molina-López R, Cabezón O., Ribas M.P., Espunyes J., Vázquez-Calero D.B., Vergara-Alert J., García-Bocanegra I., Segales J. (2024) Survey of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in captive and free-ranging wildlife from Spain. Veterinary Research 55(1), 90.

  • Escudero A., Ribas M.P., Obón E., Almería S., Aguilar X.F., Gholipour H., Cabezón O., Molina-López R. (2024) Exposure of Urban European Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) to Toxoplasma gondii in Highly Populated Areas of Northeast Spain. Animals; 14(11):1596.

  • Cabezón O., Martínez-Orellana P., Ribas M.P., Baptista C.J., Gassó D., Velarde R., Aguilar X.F., Solano-Gallego L. (2024) Leishmania Infection in Wild Lagomorphs and Domestic Dogs in North-East Spain. Animals; 14(7):1080.

  • Menajovsky M.F., Espunyes J., Ulloa G., Calderon M., Diestra A., Malaga E., Muñoz C., Montero S., Lescano A.G., Santolalla M.L., Cabezón O., Aparacio P.M. (2024) Toxoplasma gondii in a remote subsistence hunting-based indigenous community of the Peruvian Amazon. Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease, 2024, 9, 98

  • Aguilar X.F., Mavrot F., Surujballi O., Leclerc L.-M., Kugluktuk Angoniatit Association, Ekaluktutiak Hunters and Trappers Organization, Olokhaktomiut Hunters and Trappers Committee, Tomaselli M., Kutz S. (2024) Brucellosis emergence in the Canadian Arctic. One Health, 18, 100712.

  • Dias A.P., Aguilar X.F., De Buch J., Kutz S., Arrazuria R. (2024) Digital dermatitis-associated Treponema species detection and quantification in migratory tundra caribou (Rangifer tarandus). Research in Veterinary Science, 171, 105210.

  • Krückemeier S., Ramon M., Vidal E., Martino L., Burganya J., Ribas MP, Dias-Alves A., Lobato-Bailón L., Perez de Val B., Cabezón O., Espunyes J. (2024) Adiaspiromycoses in wild rodents from the Pyrenees, north-eastern Spain. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 60(2), 526–530.

  • Guitart-Matas J., Espunyes J., Illera L., Gonzalez-Escalona N., Ribas M.P., Marco I. (2024) High-risk lineages of extended spectrum cephalosporinase producing Escherichia coli from Eurasian griffon vultures (Gyps fulvus) foraging in landfills in north-eastern Spain. Science of The Total Environment, 909, 168625.​​​


  • Carrera-Faja L., Yesson C., Jones B.A., Benfield C.T.O., Kock R.A. (2023) An Integrated Ecological Niche Modelling Framework for Risk Mapping of Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus Exposure in African Buffalo (Syncerus caffer) in the Greater Serengeti-Mara Ecosystem. Pathogens. 12(12):1423.

  • Guidoum K.A., Carrera-Faja L., Espunyes J., Pailler-García L., Bouabdellah B., Bouabdelli S., Smadi M.A., Semara L., Cabezón O., Napp S. (2023) Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Seropositivity among Dromedary Camels, Algeria, 2020–2021. Emerg Infect Dis. 2023 Dec

  • Vidal E., Espunyes J., Ribas MP., Melgarejo C., Martino L., Michelet L., Boschiroli ML., Sanz A., Allepuz A., Cabezón O., Pérez de Val B. (2023) Lack of detection of Mycobacterium microti infection in wild rodents from a free-ranging wild boar outbreak area. Eur J Wildl Res 69, 111.

  • Aguilar X.F., Leclerc L.M., Kugluktuk Angoniatit Association, Ekaluktutiak Hunter & Trappers Organization, Olokhaktomiut Hunters & Trappers Committee, Mavrot F., [...], Kutz S. (2023) An integrative and multi-indicator approach for wildlife health applied to an endangered caribou herd. Scientific Reports 13, 16524.

  • González-Barrio D., Pruvot M., Kock R.A., Aguilar X.F. (2023). Editorial: Anthropogenic wildlife movements and infectious diseases: health and conservation perspectives. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 10, 1132176.

  • Geist J., Thielen F., Lavictoire L., Hoess R., Altmueller R., Baudrimont M., Blaize C., Campos M., [...] & Zając T. (2023). Captive breeding of European freshwater mussels as a conservation tool: A review. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. (In Press).

  • Lobato-Bailón L., López-Baucells A., Guixé D., Flaquer C., Camprodon J., Florensa-Rius X., Mas M., Torrent L., Ordeix L., Tallo-Parra O., Ribas MP., Marco I., Carbajal A., López-Béjar M., Napp S., Pailler-García L., Espunyes J., Cabezón O. (2023) Reappraising the use of forearm rings for bat species. Biological Conservation. 286: 110268.

  • Carrera-Faja L., Espunyes J., Cardells J., Fernández-Aguilar X., Pailler-García L., Napp S., Cabezón O. (2023) Dynamics of Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus in two wild ungulate hosts during a disease-induced population collapse. One Health, 17, 100622.

  • Prakas P., Estruch J., Velarde R., Ilgūnas M., Šneideris D., Nicolás-Francisco O., Marco I., Calero-Bernal R. First report of Sarcocystis halieti (Apicomplexa) in bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) Vet Res Commun. (In Press)

  • Torres-Blas I., Migura-García L., Cerdà-Cuéllar M., Carbajal A., Lopez-Bejar M., Mateo R., Herrero-Villar M., Llopis A., Marco I. Health assessment of the captive bearded vulture (Gypaetus barbatus) in Catalonia (Spain). J. Zoo. Wildl. Med. (In Press).

  • Dias-Alves A., Espunyes J., Ayats T., Sente C., Sebulime P., Muro J., Tushabe J., Asiimwe C., Fernández-Aguilar X., Aruho R., Marco I., Planellas M., Cardells J., Cabezón O., Cerdà-Cuéllar M. (2023) Foodborne pathogens at the livestock-wildlife-human interface in rural western Uganda. EcoHealth (In Press)

  • Loring Á., Carrera-Faja L., Ribas M.P., Rosell R., Marco I., Cabezón O., Espunyes J. (2023) New potential role of European mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) in the epidemiology of border disease in the Pyrenees. Journal of Wildlife Diseases (In Press)

  • Puig M.P., García-Ulloa M., Espunyes J., Cabezón O. (2023) Improving the assessment of ecosystem and wildlife health: microbiome as an early indicator. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 81, 102923.

  • Lobato-Bailón, L., García-Ulloa, M., Santos, A., Guixé, D., Camprodon, J., Florensa-Rius, X., Molleda R., Manzano R., Puig Ribas M., Espunyes J., Dias-Alves A., Marco I., Migura-Garcia L., Martínez-Urtaza J., Cabezón O. (2023) The fecal bacterial microbiome of the Kuhl's pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus kuhlii) reflects landscape anthropogenic pressure. Animal microbiome, 5, 7 2023.

  • Menajovsky M.F., Espunyes J., Cabezón O., Mayor P. (2023) Infectious diseases of interest for the conservation of peccaries in the Amazon: a systematic quantitative review. Biological Conservation, 277, 109867 j.biocon.2022.109867 

  • Pal, R., Khanyan, M., Aguilar, X.F., Nigam, P., Sathyakumar, S. (2023). Infectious keratoconjunctivitis in asian mountain ungulates. Newsletter of the IUCN/SSC Caprinae Specialist Group 2022, 7-10.



  • Lobato L., López-Morales A., Quintela R., Puig Ribas M., Molina-López R., Obon E., Napp S., Pailler-García L., Espunyes J., Cabezón O. (2022) Lack of detection of Toxoplasma gondii in Pipistrellus spp. bats from densely cat-populated areas of NE-Spain. Pathogens 11(12), 1451.

  • Ribas M.P., Alonso-Almorox P., Espunyes J., Martínez-Silvestre A., Cabezón O. (2022) Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tags for marking urodeles. Ecological Indicators, 145 [109690].

  • Campos M., Lobato L., Merciai R., Cabezón O., Torres-Blas I., Araujo R., Migura-Garcia L. (2022) Clearance and persistence of Escherichia coli in the freshwater mussel Unio mancus. Scientific Reports 12, 12382.

  • Espunyes J., Illera L., Dias-Alves A., Lobato L., Ribas M.P., Manzanares a., Ayats T., Marco I.,Cerdà-Cuéllar M. (2022) Eurasian griffon vultures carry widespread antimicrobial resistant Salmonella and Campylobacter of public health concern. Science of The Total Environment. 844 (2022): 157189.

  • Ribas M.P., Cabezón O., Velarde R., Estruch J., Serrano E., Bosch J., Thumsová B., Martínez-Silvestre A. (2022) Coinfection of chytrid fungi in urodeles during an outbreak of chytridiomycosis in Spain. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 58(3):658-663

  • Corlatti L., Iacolina L., Safner T., Apollonio M., Buzan E., Ferretti F., Hammer S.E., Herrero J., Rossi L., Serrano E., Arnal M.C., Brivio F., Chirichella R., Cotza A., Crestanello B., Espunyes J., [...] Šprem N. (2022) Past, present, and future of chamois science. Wildlife biology, e01025.

  • Carrera-Faja L., Cardells J., Pailler-García L., Lizana V., Alfaro-Deval G., Espunyes J., Napp S., Cabezón O. (2022) Evidence of prolonged Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus endemicity by retrospective serosurvey, eastern Spain. Emerging Infectious Diseases.2022 May.


  • Jarque L., Calleja J.A., Ibañez M., Bartolomé J., Albanell E., Espunyes J., Galvez-Cerón A., Martínez-López J.M., Gassó D., Fernández-Aguilar X., Colom-Cadena A., Krumins J.A., Serrano E. (2021) Grazing influences biomass production and protein content of alpine meadows. Science of the Total Environment (In Press).

  • Lizana V., Gortázar C., Muniesa A., Cabezón O., Martí-Marco A., López-Ramon J., Cardells K. (2021) Human and environmental factors driving Toxoplasma gondii prevalence in wild boar (Sus scrofa). Research in Veterinary Science, 141:56-62. 

  • Espunyes J., Cabezón O., Pailler-García L., Dias-Alves A., Lobato-Bailón L., Marco I., Ribas M.P., Valldeperes M., Encinosa-Guzmán P.E., Napp S. (2021) Hotspot of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Seropositivity in Wildlife, northeastern Spain. Emerging Infectious Diseases 27(9).

  • Espunyes J., Serrano E., Chaves S., Bartolomé J., Menaut P., Albanell E., Marchand P., Foulché K., Garel M. (2021) Positive effect of spring advance on the diet quality of an alpine herbivore. Integrative Zoology, 0: 0-15.

  • Torres-Blas I., Fernández Aguilar X., Cabezón O., Aragon V., Migura-García L. (2021) Antimicrobial Resistance in Pasteurellaceae Isolates from Pyrenean Chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) and Domestic Sheep in an Alpine Ecosystem. Animals, 11(6):1686.

  • Jarque-Bascuñana L., Bartolomé J., Serrano E., Espunyes J., Garel M., Calleja Alarcón J.A., López Olvera J.R., Albanell E. (2021) Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Analysis to Predict Diet Composition of a Mountain Ungulate Species. Animals,11(5):1449.

  • Jiménez-Ruiz S., García-Bocanegra I., Acevedo P. Espunyes J.,Triguero-Ocaña R., Cano-Terriza D., Torres-Sánchez M.J., Vicente J. (2021) A survey of shared pathogens at the domestic-wild ruminants' interface in Doñana National Park (Spain). Transboundary and Emerging Diseases 2021 Apr 26.

  • Dias-Alves A., Cabezón O., Borel N., López-Olvera J.R., Mentaberre G., Lavín S., Fernández Aguilar X. (2021) Molecular detection and identification of Chlamydiaceae in the eyes of wild and domestic ruminant hosts from northern Spain. Pathogens, 10(3):383.

  • Espunyes J., Cabezón O., Dias-Alves A., Miralles P., Ayats t., Cerdà-Cuéllar M. (2021) Assessing the role of livestock and sympatric wild ruminants in spreading antimicrobial resistant Campylobacter and Salmonella in alpine ecosystems. BMC Vet Res, 17, 79.

  • Castillo-Contreras R., Mentaberre G., Fernández-Aguilar X., Conejero C., Colom-CadenaA., Ráez-Bravo A., González-Crespo C., Espunyes J., Lavín S., López-Olvera J.R. (2021) Wild boar in the city: phenotypic responses to urbanisation. Science of the Total Environment, 773.

  • Navarro T., Ortín A., Cabezón C., De Las Heras M., Lacasta D., González J.K. (2021). Evolution of the Seroprevalence of Pestivirus and Respiratory Viral Infections in Spanish Feedlot Lambs. Animals 11(1):160.


  • Brannelly L. A., McCallum H. I., Grogan L. F., Briggs C. J., Ribas M. P., Hollanders M., ... & Kilpatrick A. M. Mechanisms underlying host persistence following amphibian disease emergence determine appropriate management strategies. Ecology Letters, 24(1), 130-148. Link:



  • Roldán C., Begovoeva M., López Olvera J.R., Velarde R., Cabezón O., ... Rosi L. (2020). Endemic occurrence of Fasciola hepatica in an alpine ecosystem, Pyrenees, Northeastern Spain. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. Accepted. Link:

  • Jiménez‐Ruiz S., Vicente J., García‐Bocanegra I., Cabezón Ó., Arnal M. C., Balseiro A., ... & Acevedo P. (2020). Distribution of Pestivirus exposure in wild ruminants in Spain. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. Link:

  • Herrero-Villar M., Velarde R., Camarero P. R., Taggart M. A., Bandeira V., Fonseca C., Marco I., Mateo R. (2020). NSAIDs detected in Iberian avian scavengers and carrion after diclofenac registration for veterinary use in Spain. Environmental Pollution, 115157. Link:

  • Czyżewska-Dors E, Nuñez I, Saporiti V, Huerta E, Riutord C, Cabezón O, Segalés J, Sibila M (2020) Detection of Porcine circovirus 3 in wildlife species in Spain. Pathogens, 9(5), 341. Link:

  • Gómez-Guillamón F, Díaz-Cao JM, Camacho-Sillero L, Cano-Terriza D, Alcaide EM, Cabezón O, Arenas A, García-Bocanegra I. (2020) Spatiotemporal monitoring of selected pathogens in Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica). Transbound Emerg Dis. Link:

  • Fernández Aguilar X., Mahapatra M., Begovoeva M., Kalema-Zikusoka G., ... Kock R. (2020). Peste des Petits Ruminants at the Wildlife-Livestock Interface in the Western Albertine Rift and Nile Basin, East Africa. Viruses. 12(3), 293 Link: 


  • Espunyes J, Ribas MP, Martinez-Silvestre A, Lobato L, Alonso JM, Cabezón O. Introducing the Amphibian Surveillance Program of Catalonia (ASPrCAT). Proc. ZSL Symposium: Mitigating single pathogen and coinfections that threaten amphibian biodiversity, London, UK, April 2019. Poster.


Departament de Medicina i Cirurgia Animals

Edifici V. Facultat de Veterinària
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain

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