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Mireia Blasco

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Degree in Veterinary Science



Internship in Wildlife Population Health 2023-24



I’ve been an animal and nature lover since I was little, so I decided to study veterinary medicine with the intention of understanding animal health on a broader scale. My fascination with wildlife started in my first year of university and has grown stronger ever since. I am particularly passionate about animal welfare and the role of wild animals in the circulation and transmission of pathogens. Over the past decade, issues like biodiversity loss, climate change and disease outbreaks have increased, emphasizing the need for action and research in this field. All these reasons motivated me to undertake the Wildlife Population Health internship where I can learn and grow as a professional, alongside experienced researchers and ECZM residents. In the future, I hope to continue working with wildlife and further develop my studies in conservation medicine.


I completed my degree in Veterinary Medicine at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona in September 2023. Right after my first year of university, I decided to volunteer at GREFA, a wildlife rescue center, during the summer. There, I began my journey with wildlife and connected with a colleague who introduced me to AVAFES, a student association dedicated to exotic animals and wildlife.

Since then, I have organized and attended several courses and conferences on wildlife medicine and conservation. I also had the opportunity to collaborate with various wildlife rescue centers and exotic animal clinics, where I gained practical knowledge on wildlife issues as well as clinical experience. My practicum was at the BCN Zoo, where I learned a lot about Zoo Health Management, mainly focusing on capture, anaesthesia, and pathology, and the importance of research and educating the general public. Finally, I developed my final degree project with WildCoM, focusing on the conservation of various native bird species and studying the effects of anthropogenic activities on their reproduction.

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