Rita Quintela
Degree in Veterinary Science
Internship in Wildlife Population Health 2021-22
Current Position
PhD Student, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, Saskatchewan, Canada.
My desire to study Veterinary Science comes from a very early age. Since I can remember, I’ve been drawn to our natural environment and the wonders it holds. We live in a very intricate but fragile ecosystem in which the balance between all species is key to keeping it alive and thriving. This has been put to the test these last couple of years, when we lived our first world-wide pandemic, highlighting how vital the One Health approach is to science. This position as an intern of the Wildlife Population Health specialty alongside residents and diplomats of the ECZM, allows me to work and learn about conservation medicine and investigation, following my passion for nature, as I grow as a professional in this essential field.

During my Veterinary studies, I participated in several courses and conferences involving topics in wildlife medicine and conservation. I also had the chance to be involved in veterinary clinics focused on exotic animals’ medicine, wildlife hospitals and rescue centers throughout Spain. After my graduation in 2019 I continued with this tendency collaborating with international conservation projects such as the Lynx pardinus project in Spain and Portugal, wildlife hospitals and rehabilitation centers and CITES rescue centers. I also acquired work experience in a veterinary clinic as I continued my formation, attending courses and conferences on various topics involving wildlife biology, ecology and parasitology among others. I’m also a member of the European Association of Zoo and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV) since 2019.