Welcome to the Wildlife Conservation Medicine Research Group (WildCoM)!
We are a group of researchers based at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Barcelona, Spain). Our interdisciplinary team is mainly composed by veterinary professionals, with national and international collaborators. We cover a broad range of expertise including wildlife health, veterinary pathology, conservation biology, disease ecology, and epidemiology. Overall, WildCoM aims to promote original scientific research and graduate education on wildlife population health.
Why Conservation Medicine?
In the last decades, global change has become a major concern for society. Climate change, pollution, and environmental degradation are seriously compromising the long-term viability of life on our planet. In this changing world, novel interactions between humans and wildlife are arising with dramatic consequences, either in biodiversity losses or in the emergence of infectious diseases.
The loss of biodiversity has resulted in an increasing number of endangered species, which may be highly vulnerable to stochastic factors such as diseases. In some cases, health issues are the ultimate factor that contributes to the extinction of wild animal populations. Simultaneously, global change is increasing the transmission of important diseases for wild animals as well as for domestic animals and humans. In a globalized world, diseases have no geographical boundaries and are of international concern.
These recent events have proved the need for an integrative approach to animal, human and ecosystem health. Veterinary specialists in wild animal health and diseases, as well as their biology, conservation, and interactions with humans and domestic animals, are required. Conservation Medicine is an emerging and interdisciplinary field focused on studying the connections between human and animal health and environmental conditions, addressing the concept of "One Health".

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